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Fire Safe Council Lead Field Tour

September 26, 2024 @ 9:00 am 2:00 pm

The Wildfire Preparedness team is inviting our Fire Safe Council leads to join us, and members of our veg opps team, to tour two NCFF completed hazardous fuel reduction projects. Napa Firewise staff will guide FSC Leads behind the scenes tour of some impressive projects completed to improve access for firefighters, reduce wildfire risk, create anchor points for additional fuel reduction projects, including grazing and prescribed fire, and provide better protection for our veterans at the Yountville Vets Home. Please RSVP below.


Tour 1:

9:00 AM – 10:00 AM: Meet at the Yountville Park and Ride; carpool to tour Veteransā€™ Home. Please be prepared to leave no later than 9am. During this estimated one-hour tour, attendees should be prepared to get in and out of vehicles and walk around. Attendees are encouraged to wear comfortable footwear and bring their own water bottle.

Highlights include:  

  • Fire Road 
  • Shaded Fuel breaks 
  • Hazardous fuels clearance on property 
  • Eucalyptus grove removal 
  • multiple funding sources leveraged 

10:00 AM: return to Park and Ride and regroup ā€“ carpool to the Lake Hennessey boat launch for Lake Hennessey to Atlas Peak tour. *At this time, if attendees are continuing on the tour, attendees are encouraged to use the restroom, as there will be no services available at Lake Hennesey.

Tour 2:

10:30 AM – 2:00 PM: Meet at the Boat launch at Lake Hennessey for an overview, followed by a drive up Prichard Hill to Continuum led by NCFF staff. Continue along the “Continuum to Atlas” Fire Road through Land Trust property to Atlas Peak Road, we will stop to discuss projects along the way and enjoy the scenery, then down Atlas Peak Road to Napa. We will leave the boat launch at 11AM promptly. Cell service will be limited.

During this estimated 3 hour tour, we will stop for lunch. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own lunch and water bottle. NCFF will provide light snacks and extra water.

Tour Highlights include: 

  • Beacon box
  • Hwy 128 roadside expanded shaded fuel break
  • Grazing for fuel reduction maintenance
  • Continuum to Atlas fire road
  • Roadside expanded and grazing program for maintenance along 128 and Pritchard Hill 
  • “Circle Oaks North Ridge” Fire Road 
  • Roadside extended work on Atlas Peak Road 

Join us for a day of learning, exploration, and community engagement. Attendees should wear comfortable shoes, bring a lunch, and water. Carpooling and consolidating cars will be highly encouraged. Especially at Lake Hennessey, cars should be Sabaru or higher, cars very low to the ground are not advised. Concerned? Email wildfirepreparedness@napafirewise.org