Reflection from Napa Firewise

2022 was a landmark year for the Napa Communities Firewise Foundation (Napa Firewise) and wildfire resilience in Napa County.

Living with Fire

Napa Firewise is comprised of 20 active, all-volunteer Fire Safe Councils located in the highest wildfire severity zones

Wildfire Season: How to stop California Burning

August 9, 2022 The Financial Times- Dave Lee Most people driving through Napa County, California’s famed wine region, see only beauty. Steven Burgess sees something different. Spotting clumps of juniper […]

This Isn’t The California I Married

The honeymoon’s over for the state’s residents now that wildfires are almost constant. Has living in this natural wonderland lost its magic?

A Resilient Residence

After a devastating blaze, a Napa Valley couple rebuild with durability in mind.