As Dodd concludes his term, Napa Firewise celebrates his legacy with deep gratitude for his strategic vision and unparalleled commitment to public safety.
Press Releases
Napa County names Shew as its First Fire Administrator
Napa County has made another investment in wildfire resiliency by hiring the first Napa County Fire Administrator: David Shew.
Star Editorial: Maintaining a culture of fire readiness
Star Editorial Board Nov 15, 2023 Q: Given this week’s rain, and this summer’s lack of serious threat, when can St. Helenans put fire readiness on the back burner? A: […]
Reflection from Napa Firewise
2022 was a landmark year for the Napa Communities Firewise Foundation (Napa Firewise) and wildfire resilience in Napa County.
Living with Fire
Napa Firewise is comprised of 20 active, all-volunteer Fire Safe Councils located in the highest wildfire severity zones
Wildfire Season: How to stop California Burning
August 9, 2022 The Financial Times- Dave Lee Most people driving through Napa County, California’s famed wine region, see only beauty. Steven Burgess sees something different. Spotting clumps of juniper […]
This Isn’t The California I Married
The honeymoon’s over for the state’s residents now that wildfires are almost constant. Has living in this natural wonderland lost its magic?
A Resilient Residence
After a devastating blaze, a Napa Valley couple rebuild with durability in mind.
Changes to Ag Wildfire Insurance
California announces changes to ease the thorny problem of fire insurance for vintners, farmers