Angwin FSC & Deer Park FSC Storm Debris Clean Up 

Napa Firewise is managing cleanup of storm debris along county roads in Angwin with funding from Napa County in June; Free Residential Chipping Service  

Storm Debris Poses a High Fire Hazard 

The snow damage at all higher elevations in Napa County was shocking, with the weight of the wet snow snapping tree limbs and branches, and upending seemingly healthy trees, resulting in the accumulation of thick piles of woody debris: AKA wildfire fuel. that can act as “ladder fuels” to carry ground fires up into the tree canopies. This puts the entire community and forest at risk because crown fires are harder to contain than ground fires. The community of Angwin was hit particularly hard, due to the large number of homes and roads in the snow-zone. Beginning in June, Napa Firewise, with funding from Napa County Public Works, will be cutting, chipping, and removing hazardous fuels that have accumulated along the right-of-way on 22 public roads in Angwin. Watch the CAL FIRE Sonoma-Lake-Napa Unit & Napa Firewise video below to learn more about the project: 

Roadside Right of Way Work 
The Napa Firewise will be cutting, chipping, and removing the hazardous fuels that accumulated in the roadside right-of-way along 22 roads in the Angwin area Material will be removed up to 28 feet from the centerline of the road: approximately 10-15 feet from the edge of both sides of the road – stopping at fence lines and managed landscapes.  This work is scheduled for June. Anticipate some traffic delays in the area during this important project.  

Expanded Roadside Work on Private Property 

In addition, Napa Firewise will clear debris beyond the right of way onto private property along three critical evacuation road segments:

Howell Mt Road: from Four Corners to the spring below Ink Grade 
College Avenue : from the Fire Station to Howell Mt Road  
Ink Grade Road: from Howell Mt Road to 1400’ elevation 

The permission of property owners is required for Napa Firewise to perform this work, which is also funded by Napa County.  To authorize work, residents with property along these road segments must sign a Right of Entry Agreement with Napa Firewise before work starts in June (Sign the Agreement Online:  or request a form by emailing  

Napa County chipping program  

The Napa County Fire Department’s free fire hazard debris chipping service is available to all residential properties in unincorporated parts of the county. Sign up