Smoke lingers in the air these winter and early spring days, but for now, it is due to proactive fire. All around Napa County, fire is one of the tools being used to reduce wildfire fuels. Dead, dry and excess vegetation is cut and piled, then burned during burn days, taking advantage of the surrounding vegetation being still damp enough to reduce risk of the fire escaping. Napa Firewise primarily uses woodchippers and bush mulchers to dispose of cut material. Pile burning is only used where needed, and is a good tool for work in remote areas and steep terrain where heavy equipment is not practical. Best practices are followed for burning safely and minimizing smoke.
Wildfire Fuels Mapper Reports
Download your personal Wildfire Fuels Mapper Report to better understand your land, reduce fuels, and protect your community. Visit the Napa County Wildfire Fuel Mapper website today for maps, reports, and information to help reduce wildfire hazard.
Updates to the reports are in progress and that maps will be available for download in mid September.
Apply for Funding to Manage Vegetation on Your Property to Create Defensible Space
We have grant funding to help you afford the cost of managing vegetation to reduce wildfire risk to residential buildings. We are reimbursing residents for 50% of the cost of new qualifying defensible space projects, up to a maximum of $3,500 per property. This cost share reimbursement program is available to Napa County residents in or near High and Very High Fire Hazard Severity zones. Apply today.
Get Involved In Your FSC
We invite you to learn more about your local Fire Safe Council and how you can help protect your property and the community.
Support Our Efforts
All our work is funded by grants and/or public contributions. We need your help to make Napa County as safe as possible from wildfires and save lives.
Our Programs
Napa Firewise has many active programs available to those residing in Napa County. These projects are designed to mitigate wildfires in Napa County and many include grant funding to help residents make their homes safer.
For a look at the implementation of projects, view our calendar.