As we move into the summer months Cal Fire/Napa County Fire will be inspecting for hazardous vegetation throughout Napa County. The reason for these inspections is to ensure homeowners and lot owners have the required vegetation clearances. With proper vegetation management in place, you can reduce the possibility of structure loss and as a group create a fire resilient neighborhood. Below are some of the most common items being inspected:
- A 100 feet of defensible space required around all structures regardless of property line. The first 30-foot radius around the structure should have grasses cut to four inches or lower, no dead vegetation under decks that could be hazardous. The remaining 100 feet should have reducing vegetation by cutting annual grass to lower than four inches and reducing horizontal and vertical spacing of the vegetation. 100 foot defensible space is a minimum requirement that can change depending on the property, the Fire Code Official can require additional vegetation clearance.
- Unimproved lots less than one acre shall have annual grasses cut to four inches or lower of the remaining stalks of the vegetation and tree limbs are to be limited up to six feet from the ground.
- Hazardous vegetation such as leaves and pine needles shall be removed from the roof and gutters of structures.
- Tree limbs are to be removed if they are within 10 feet of a chimney.
- Dead limbs that are hanging over a structures roofline need to be removed away from the structure.
*All items listed above are referenced from the Napa County code of Ordinances, Chapter 8.36
Additional Resources
Napa County Fire Department also offers a free Chipping service to all residents who live in the unincorporated areas of Napa County. The intent of the program is to encourage residents to comply with defensible space requirements. You may sign up here.
Thank you for the assistance in keeping our community fire safe. If you have any questions or would like to inquire about a particular property being in compliance, please call Erick Hernandez, Code Compliance Officer, Fire Marshall’s Office, County of Napa at 707-299-7645.